Jersey Fresh CCI***
Bonnie Mosser riding her beautiful grey horse Merloch, one of only 6 riders to jump double clear rounds from 39 finishers rose from 4th place after her Cross Country run to become the winner of the Jersey Fresh CCI*** with a final score of 48.7.
Stephen Bradley and his horse From held onto 2nd place with a score of 50.5. Stephen said, “I am absolutely thrilled to have From back. (He had done a tendon at Jersey Fresh last year.) He had a really good time this weekend!”
Stephen and From tied for fourth after Dressage, second after Cross Country and second over all.
Mara Dean and Nicki Henley who were leading after they won the Dressage on Thursday were third after Cross Country and hung onto their third place even with one fence down in the Show Jumping
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